Payday loans are extremely handy for getting out of sudden problematic situations, yet not many Singaporeans know how to go about acquiring such a loan.
Singaporeans, in general, do not like getting loans. Some turn to it only as a last resort, after exhausting their options of borrowing from family and friends because not many know about the convenience and benefits of getting payday loans.
What is a Payday Loan?
Put simply, it is a cash advance that you get from moneylenders, without the need for security and collateral, to sort out your emergency cash crisis.
In a Payday Loan, you can borrow up to one month’s worth of your salary to help with your short-term financial issues, and repay it back on your next paycheck.
How does payday loans work?
Cash advance helps you through Financial Emergencies
A pay day loan is ideal when one meets financial emergencies in between paydays.
Trillion Credit offers pay day loan to you to solve your emergency expenses. We’ll lend you money for up to a month and you are always free to make early repayment with no hidden fees.
What are the advantages of payday loans?
Surprisingly Low Interest Rates
With most cash advance loans, you will pay more reasonable interest rates. In other words, rather than drawing out your debt for years and accruing interest like you would with other type of loans, you repay a payday loan in full on your next pay day.
Shorter terms mean that the loan has less time to accumulate interest charges.
Pay out in ready funds
Not all expenses accept credit card payments. We disburse funds which offer you the flexibility to manage your own finances and allow more planning to fulfill your personal priorities.
Over Spending, Eliminate Unnecessary Collection
Unexpected spending is unavoidable. Having not enough money to pay off what you owe and accumulate charges like fines, late fees or late interest is definitely the last thing you want to happen. With our pay day loans, it will definitely come in handy to save you.
What are the differences between Payday Loans and Personal Loans?
The differences between Payday Loans and Personal Loans are the loan amount that you can borrow, the repayment period and the repayment terms.
A Personal Loan allows you to borrow up to 6 months’ worth of your income and let you make repayment every month, over a predetermined repayment period until the Personal Loan is fully repaid.
On the other hand, a Payday Loan allows you to borrow up to only 1 months’ worth of your income that must be repaid on your next paycheck. The quick cash acts as a bridge to overcome your financial emergency
Securing your Confidentiality
Trillion Credit guarantees high security standards and robust procedures to safeguard your loan applications and personal information. The integrity of your data will be well-preserved and kept strictly private and confidential.
How much can i borrow?
Trillion Credit’s Payday Loan allows you to borrow up to 1 month’s worth of your salary.
Will my loans be approved if i have a bad credit history?
Banks usually have high approval criteria, and commonly reject loan applications due to past credit history and the consequent bad or low credit rating.
For us, we conduct an evaluation of your capability to repay the loan depending on your current financial condition.
In other words, the assessment is not solely based on your credit history.
In general, you only need to prove your intention and that you have a steady source of income to repay the loan.
How long will it take to get my Payday Loan application approved?
The loan application process is swift and efficient.
Upon receiving your loan application with the required documents, we will work towards disbursing the monies within 30 minutes.
• Minimum Age: 18 years old
• Has a Source of Fund / Income
• Singaporean / Singapore Permanent Resident / Foreigner on a Valid Pass
Documents require for Loan Application
(For Singaporeans & PR)
• NRIC / Passport
• Valid Singpass to access (CPF / IRAS / HDB)
• Any other documents of Fund / Income Proof (e.g. Employment Contract, Commision Slip, Insurance Payouts, etc.)
(For Foreigner working in Singapore)
• Valid Pass (Dependent Pass / Long Term Visit Pass / Work Permit / S-Pass / Employment Pass)
• Valid Singpass
• Latest 3 months Payslip
• A Proof of Residential Address (e.g. Tenancy Agreement or Latest HP / Utilities / Tax Bills or Bank statement, etc.)
To inquire on your eligibility, feel free to call us at 65090111 or email us at for a simple check.