Terms and Conditions


  1. I warrant and represent to Trillion Credit Solutions Pte Ltd (hereby known as “Trillion”) that the information in this application form provided by me are true and accurate.
  2. I agree to disclose true copies of my income or financial substantiation documents and/or other documents as may be required by Trillion, which documents shall thereby become and remain the Trillion’s properties.
  3. I am aware and agree that approval of this application is at Trillion’s sole discretion, and Trillion is entitled to reject this application without assigning any reason or giving notice to me.
  4. Trillion recognizes it obligations under the Personal Data Protection Act 2012 (PDPA) which include the collection, use and disclosure of personal data for the purpose of which an individual had given consent to.
  5. I hereby consent and authorise Trillion to conduct credit checks and verify information given in this application without prior references to me.
  6. I hereby consent and authorise Trillion to enquire from my employer(s)/company for the purpose of this application, any particulars of my employment with my employer(s) and to obtain and verify such further information about me as you may deem fit at Trillion’s discretion.
  7. I hereby consent and authorise Trillion to release all or some of my personal and loan information to Credit Bureau Organisations such as the Moneylenders Credit Bureau(MLCB), and relevant Social Service Agencies for the purpose of collating such information for credit management and assessment purposes.
  8. In this connection, my personal and loan information shall include inter alia, my personal particulars including name, identity card or passport number, home address, income, assets, liabilities, loan amount, interest rate, loan disbursement date, tenure of loan and loan servicing history.
  9. I consent that Trillion may, at any time without liability or notice to me and further permit and authorise Trillion and Trillion’s officers to disclose, reveal and divulge any and all information and particulars relating to and in connection with me, any and all of my accounts with Trillion (whether held alone or jointly), any transactions or dealings between me and Trillion, this application and/or any facilities granted to me to any person at any time and from time to time, including, but not limited to any of my guarantor or surety, any person who is jointly or jointly and severally liable or indebted Trillion with me, any of the Trillion’s subsidiaries, branches, agents, correspondents, agencies, representative offices, law firm engaged for the recovery of the loan, third party accountants and auditors for the purpose of accounting, auditing and filing of the required company documents to government agencies, any governmental agencies and authorities in Singapore and elsewhere, contractors, third party service providers or such other persons that may have entered into contractual relations with Trillion, any consumer credit bureau and any of Trillion’s potential assignees and transferees whenever Trillion considers it in its interest to make such disclosure.
  10. I agree that if any information given herein becomes inaccurate or misleading or changes in any way, whether before the application is approved or while the facility is existing, I shall promptly notify Trillion of such changes.
  11. I consent and authorise Trillion to communicate with me with respect to this application by any means that Trillion may deem appropriate at my respective address(es)/ contact details set out in this application.
  12. I understand all terms and conditions are subjected to Licensed Money Lender Rules, Acts and Regulations.
  13. I hereby confirm that I have read and it was clearly explained to me in the language that I fully understood of the above.
  14. For any further clarifications or changes for the data provided by you and the purposes that it will be used for, you may contact our Data Protection Officer at 6509 0111.