List of Exempt Moneylenders in Singapore

List of Exempt Moneylenders in Singapore registered with the Registry of Moneylenders (RoM) under the Ministry of Law (MinLaw).

Updated as at 02 MARCH 2025
Click here to view the complete list of Exempt Moneylenders in Singapore compiled and published by the Regsitry of Moneylenders (RoM).


What is an Exempt Moneylender?
In Singapore, The Moneylenders Act 2008 (“MLA”) prohibits persons from carrying on the business of moneylending unless they (a) are authorised to do so by licence, (b) have been granted an exemption, or (c) are excluded moneylenders.

An “Exempt Moneylender” refers to any person that has been granted an exemption by MinLaw from complying with various provisions of the MLA and its subsidiary legislation, including the requirement for a licence to lend money.
Therefore, exempt moneylenders can only engage in a limited scope of moneylending activities, such as lending to specific borrowers or for specific purposes.

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